Living With Your Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD)

你可能会发现与ICD一起生活很可怕,特别是如果你因为突然而迅速做出决定 cardiac arrest (SCA). You need to know that you are not alone or without support.

幸运的是,研究表明,icd可以延长寿命,提高生活质量. 通过更多地了解导致植入的条件,您可以更自信地使用ICD, the device itself and what to expect from having it.


View an animation of an ICD.

Learn more about living with your ICD

Taking medications

药物治疗是包括ICD在内的治疗计划的一部分, so take medications exactly as instructed.

Understanding and maintaining your device

  • Make sure you understand your device and all instructions.
  • 你的ICD应该定期检查,看看电线是如何工作的, how the battery is doing, 以及您的身体状况和外部设备对ICD的影响.
  • 你的医疗保健专业人员可能会在一年的办公室访问中检查你的ICD几次, over the phone or through an Internet connection.
  • ICD batteries last 5 to 7 years.
  • 你的医生使用一种特殊的分析仪来检测电池即将耗尽的第一个警告, before you can detect any changes yourself.
  • 最终,你的ICD或电池可能需要在外科手术中更换. 替代手术比原来的植入手术更简单.  Your healthcare team can explain it to you.
  • Feel free to take baths and showers. Your ICD is completely protected against contact with water.
  • 远离磁铁和强电场,并告知机场或其他安检人员您有ICD.
  • Tell your other doctors, nurses, medical technicians, hospital staffs and dentists that you have an ICD.

Follow activity instructions

  • 遵守活动限制和医疗保健专业人员的任何其他建议.
  • Allow about eight weeks for your ICD to settle firmly in place. During this time, avoid sudden, 突然或剧烈的动作会导致你的手臂从身体上抽离.
  • 避免对放置ICD的胸部区域造成压力.
  • After 3 weeks, 女性可能会发现在切口处戴一个小衬垫来保护自己不受胸罩带子的伤害会更舒服.
  • Car, train or airplane trips should pose no danger.
  • You cannot drive commercially when you have an ICD.
  • 而你可能在植入手术后一周就能开车了, 你的健康护理专家会给你开绿灯. 如果你在某些情况下接受了ICD,比如心脏骤停或昏厥,你的医生可能会要求你在上次昏厥几个月后再开车. Fainting is a possibility even after implantation of an ICD.
  • Be physically active every day. 做任何你喜欢做的事——散散步或者只是动动动胳膊和腿来促进血液循环.
  • 向你的医疗保健专业人员咨询如何以及何时增加运动. 你应该等待至少1个月再提重物或做任何高强度的活动. 向你的医生咨询有关运动的问题,因为有些运动可能会损坏或移动你的ICD或电线.
  • 除了前面提到的举重和高强度的活动外,你可以在手术后的几天内进行所有的正常活动. 一旦你的医生允许,你甚至可以恢复剧烈运动. Always ask your doctors.
  • Don't overdo it — quit before you get tired. 适量的运动应该会让你感觉更好,而不是更糟.

Carry your ICD wallet ID card

Don't leave home without it.

  • Download a printable 植入式心律转复除颤器(ICD)钱包身份证(PDF).
  • 随身携带,以防发生意外,以便急救人员能够对你进行适当的治疗.
  • 公共场所的安全设备可能会检测到ICD中的金属,尽管它们不会损坏它. Showing your card may save you some inconvenience.
  • 也可以考虑买一个医疗身份手镯或项链,以增加安全性和便利性.


After ICD implantation, you may feel anxious or depressed. 这在ICD受者中并不罕见,尤其是在植入后的头几个月或一年内. 如果你有这些感觉,请咨询你的医疗团队并寻求帮助. 没有理由为你的感受感到尴尬或孤独. 通过提问和表达你对《线上娱乐电子游戏网站》的关注以及你对此的反应, you might prevent or alleviate potential anxiety or depression.

接触创伤性的生死经历是诊断创伤后应激障碍的关键. You may not think of yourself as having PTSD, but having sudden cardiac arrest, 多次电击或其他濒临死亡的情况肯定会导致PTSD症状. 不要犹豫与你的医疗团队讨论你对创伤的感受. 你的精神和情感健康对你的身体健康很重要.

Download and print our Answers by Heart sheet: What is an ICD? (PDF)